Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD


SCSIFlash-Fast™: Protecting and Enhancing Legacy Computing Systems

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Southern Manufacturing & Electronics, Farnborough, United Kingdom – Solid State Disks Ltd. (SSDL), a leading manufacturer of solid-state-drives (SSDs) and a value-added reseller (VAR) of latest-technology Flash and DRAM solutions, has launched SCSIFlash-Fast™, a swap-in upgrade/replacement for electromechanical hard disk drives (HDDs) that use the SCSI interface.

Initially available with 68- and 80-pin connectors and write speeds of up to 80MB/s, SCSIFlash-Fast™ uses proven SCSI drive architecture and industrial CFast or M.2 SSD memory (with storage capacities ranging from 2GB to 1TB). The drive features configurable hardware, allowing the OEMs of (or those responsible for maintaining) legacy systems to replace or upgrade obsolete HDDs that were made in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s, and improve system reliability and security.

James Hilken, SSDL’s Sales & Marketing Director, says: “There are several computer-based systems in use within aerospace, defence, manufacturing, medical, telecommunications and other sectors that were designed decades ago and were fitted with then state-of-the-art SCSI hard disk drives. With their moving parts, these long-obsolete drives are increasingly failing. Our SCSIFlash-Fast drive is a highly reliable swap-in replacement for virtually any SCSI hard disk drive that’s more than 20 years old.”

SCSIFlash-Fast™ is configured to order and can replicate the exact behaviour of the SCSI HDD it replaces, meaning no modifications need to be made to the host system; which in many cases must not be modified (i.e. its functionality has been certified) or it is simply not cost-effective to do so. With SSDL’s SCSIFlash-Fast™, the SCSI version is set to that of the host system (SASI, SCSI-1, SCSI-2 or Ultra3) and the disk sector size is set to 256, 512, 768, 1024, 2048 or 4096. Other configurations can also be applied, including the preloading of data.

“We have made it possible to remove an old-tech SCSI drive and insert a SCSIFlash-Fast and the host system will not detect the difference,” adds Hilken. “Also, because ours is a solid-state drive it is far more reliable than the drive it replaces, is more secure, draws less power and is quieter. It can also be networked, thanks to an optional Ethernet port, which means it can be accessed remotely for backs ups and system reboots, for example.”

Other SCSIFlash-Fast™ features include its ability to automatically detect 16- or 8-bit data operation, as well as single-ended (SE) and low voltage different (LVD) signalling. Also, more than one SCSI address and logical unit number (LUN) can be supported by a single unit, and its microcode is field upgradable via USB.

SCSIFlash-Fast™ requires a 5VDC supply and will consume just 0.8W (plus whatever power the storage media draws, which will vary depending on memory type). The form factor is an industry-standard 3.5” disk drive (102 x 147 x 25mm (W x L x H)).

SCSIFlash-Fast™ is available immediately and detailed datasheets of the two launch drives can be viewed and downloaded from

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Available with 68- (left) and 80-pin (right) connectors, Solid State Disks Ltd.’s SCSIFlash-Fast™ drive can replicate the exact behaviour of virtually any SCSI hard disk drive, thus restoring the reliability of (and user confidence in) computer-based systems design decades ago, still relied on today and which must provide several more years of service.


Media contacts:

James Hilken, Sales Director, Solid State Disks

Tel: +44 (0) 1189 323499. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amanda Warrilow, Communications Officer

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +44 (0)1522 789000


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